Walking in the Boots of a Marine

A Marine rifle platoon moves toward the enemy. June, 1952.

“I have good memories of my time with the Marines.” – Johnny Nam, interpreter and guide during the Korean War He’ll always remember his first week scrubbing pots and pans for the Marines stationed near Yongchon, his hometown. “I thought it might be a good way to learn English, get food, and maybe even earn…

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Work, Fight, Sacrifice!

December 7, 1941, a day that would live in infamy and propel America into WWII

On December 7, 1941, a day that would live in infamy, Pauline Peyton Forney, a mother of three, including a son who was serving in the Marines, knew her life was about to change.  With over 2,300 Americans dead, more than a thousand wounded, and the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet crippled, President Roosevelt would soon…

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Eunpyeong Peace Park, Seoul

For Bill Shaw, a 29-year-old husband, father of two, and first-year doctoral student at Harvard, the answer was clear. He told his wife, two young boys, parents, and professors he’d be back soon. His studies could wait, he explained. Three months later, on September 22, 1950, US Navy Lt. William Hamilton Shaw, on patrol with…

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